My FOOD NETWORK pilot!!!!


Gordon Elliott hard at work
Gordon Elliott, Me and Mark Schneider

The awesome camera crew



  1. thrasherswife says:

    Very cool – I wish you all the best!!!

  2. wow…first off no matter what you always look great zit or not me. second..OMG how freaking lucky are you, I hope it really turns into something for you Leslie.

  3. Jenn @ BentoForKidlet says:

    Amazing! What a fun thing to have happen! I'm so dissapointed they didn't go for it πŸ™ Melissa's voice grates on me and I refuse to watch her show. I would so rather you had one!!!

  4. Fantastic job!

  5. Donna-FFW says:

    You were amazing. Your show could be dinner two ways, bit different than melissa d'arabians.Fabulous concept!And So many mos could use that especially working moms. I always find myself making 2 dinners.. your provided a solution. Your laugh is infectious and genuine..and you are a natural and easy to relate to. Keep trying.. I'd watch each time.

  6. sshallenbu says:

    I'd watch you in a minute!!! Don't give up, at least you are on their radar now!!

  7. vanillasugar says:

    you are getting there baby! yes indeedy.

  8. I would totally watch your show girl! You're so easy to relate to and your attitude is the best! Does your husband really clean your kitchen after dinner? Goodness, you're lucky! But he's luckier since he gets a fabulous meal, and not one from the kid's menu. Awesome job on your pilot! I think we should all contact Food Network and help them see the light that Melissa is annoying and you are so NOT annoying. I also loved how they didn't edit out your daughter running into the kitchen. That's real life for sure.

  9. Leslie this is awesome! I am really impressed and proud. Is it weird that I am proud? I feel like I know you through your blog and the comments you leave on Baked Perfection.

    p.s. you look great without makeup!

  10. You are a natural! Loved it and loved the concept. What an awesome experience. Good Luck!

  11. How awesome Leslie! I thought uou were great-maybe they'll be calling you again at a later date!This could really be in your future!

  12. Leslie . .that turned out AWESOME! You are absolutely adorable . .it's like having your best friend bring you into her home and show you what she's makin' for dinner. You seem just like one of us! I think this is just the beginning for you . . .

  13. Awesome…. I am happy for you…good luck

  14. That is fantastic! congratulations!!!

  15. (Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar says:

    that really was great I would watch you and I think it is different than Melissa too. but what a great opportunity. good luck!

  16. Heather of Kitchen Concoctions says:

    That is so awesome! I also love the 'dinner two ways concept'! Best of luck to you!

  17. Ya done good Les…knockem dead…that includes grandma!

  18. The Morris Family says:

    Oh my goodness! I absolutely LOVED it! I would absolutely watch it! I wish I lived near you so we could be friends. You seem like you would be such a fun friend!

  19. I agree – you need to run with the "dinner two ways" concept! Not just for picky kids, but it's great for picky husbands as well!

    You were fabulous, this is definitely just the beginning. =)

  20. That was FAB! I would totally watch you! Now that you're on the radar, I'm sure something will come your way sooner or later!

  21. Oh my gosh, I would totally watch you if you had a show. You are funny, beautiful, well spoken and seem completely at ease on camera. I felt like I was sitting right there in your kitchen with you (only I didn't get a bite of the food πŸ™‚ )
    Great job. I wouldn't give up hope just yet. If Foodnetwork has seen this you have left an impression. Best of luck (or should I say, "Best Dishes" like Paula Deen always says).
    You are adorable and I just love your laugh πŸ™‚

  22. Your pilot episode is terrific, and the chicken dish you made looks awesome! I think you should try out for "The Next Food Network Star" show. Seriously…you should!

    Thanks for letting us watch your episode!

  23. You were amazingly natural and didn't seem nervous at all. Yo did a great job. I'm sure they'll keep you in mind for future projects. Did you show them your cakes?

  24. Leslie, you are AWESOME! I would watch you over Melissa anyday…you are so much more down to earth. I love your personality and your recipe looks fabulous! Fattening, but fab! ;0)

    P.S. Our vodka bottle looks about the same way…almost empty! he he.

  25. Pegasuslegend says:

    Not only are you a natural on the camera, they made a huge mistake not picking your as you called them down to earth…you captured that totally in your video..I am pissed you didn;t get on…. but feel like you do, I would have been thrilled for this opportunity! Your family is gorgeous and you have an amazing following already I think this is just the start of things to come for you! Many blessings ahead, Congrats on this video I truly enjoyed it!
    Claudia @

  26. Mold Removal says:

    hi..This is really best and fantastic

  27. bronxteaparty says:

    love it!!!! I would def. dvr yr show πŸ™‚

  28. Me and My Pink Mixer says:

    Oh my gosh ~ how freaking exciting!!! I would totally watch your show instead of Melissa ~ she gets on my nerves. I love watching you on camera ~ you are so down to earth and fun! Wish we lived next door to each other πŸ™‚

  29. Siggy Spice says:

    Wow Leslie, that is FABULOUS!
    I have to say, I think that is an amazing niche to take the same meal and tweek it 2 ways to fit adults and kiddos! Seriously, I would LOVE to see more of that concept! Again, fabulous job and congratulations – xoxo

  30. Leslie, you are an inspiration! I'm so proud of you. And really, you could watch grass grow and be interesting. I'd TiVo a show by you any day!

  31. First of all, I love your laugh! You have great energy and came across very personable, real and fun. I love that you relate to picky eatin', shirt-tuggin' kids all the while trying to cook them healthy homecooked meals. I find it all so frustrating at times but you've inspired me to make it fun. Thanks and good luck!

  32. A Bitchin' Kitchen says:

    That's such a bummer that they didn't pick up your pilot! Still, I'm sure you feel honored that they considered you, and you were amazing on camera!

    – Maggie

  33. leslie, that was great! you look awesome on camera! i'm totally pulling for you!

  34. PinkLadyRN says:

    Oh My Gosh! I loved your pilot. I think you are so funny…and have a wonderful upbeat energy! I'm not a big fan of Melissa D'arabian…so I would much prefer your show.
    I also loved the joke about fat-free heavy cream…haha πŸ™‚
    I think we should all send emails to the Food Network. We wanna see The Hungry Housewife!!


  35. I would watch your food network show in a minute. I have been following your blog and love the normalcy of the way you cook. I don't really care if I am under 10.00 or not for a family of four if it is a normal meal and not something even my husband would have a hard time looking for the ingredients at the grocery store. Thank you for sharing the video with us. You did a great job.

  36. awww, Im sorry you didn't make it but I think you did a great job!
    I think you look totally natural and comfortable on camera and you are so cute!

  37. It was such a treat to see you in action! I hate how narrow the Food Network can be at times. Is there really only a need for one show like yours? All the moms who watch the channel could benefit from different points of view. Glad you got to experience it all anyway. Happy new year!

  38. Michelle L. says:

    Loved it, watched every minute of it. Now I'm hungry.

  39. Oh Leslie. Nothing against Melissa but you were sooooooo much better to watch.

    Don't give up. There is a reason that you got this far. Don't close this door……..keep it open. Something great is coming your way.

  40. OMG, Leslie!!! That was amazing! I'd totally watch you if you had a show on Food Network! I don't like Melissa d'Arabian's show. I watched several episodes but just couldn't get into it. Hopefully some day (sooner rather than later!) you will get your chance to be on Food Network. That would be incredible. =D I really loved your pilot, it was like being there hanging out with you not just watching a video.

    And PS You look fabulous without makeup and for that I am jealous lol.

  41. Wow, you don't even look nervous! What a wonderful opportunity. If you did have a show I would watch, very entertaining! I can't wait to make this recipe, sounds delish!

  42. says:

    What an awesome opportunity! You were great I would definitely watch you.

  43. Leslie, you are a natural! I would watch your show any day. You make it fun, and its totally on our "housewife/busy mom" level which was perfect. Keep trying my dear, soon they will know what they are missing. Loved it.

  44. JanaStarlite says:

    This pilot not being picked up shows that the Food Network has no clue what we really want to see. Your pilot was effortless, fun, very smart, and featured a cool concept of cooking for picky kids AND adults with the same basic recipe.

    Best of all, your infectious personality just shines through the entire nine minutes. You deserve a show and I would watch it even though I have no children. Some of us do have picky husbands!

    You asked for comments, and from reading all of them, all I can say is if they think Melissa's show fills the same niche, they are idiots. You would be much more fun to watch…

    Oh,and I'm glad you chose to go au naturale with your intro video. You really DO NOT NEED make-up.

    Good luck and we will hope to see you soon … maybe on that new cooking cable network? Something like Cooking TV or somesuch….

  45. VeggieGirl says:

    You need a show!!!!

  46. Leslie!! This is amazing! I am so impressed, although I can't say I'm too surprised. You are a true natural and so genuine…it just shines through in everything you do, from your writing to your videos to your recipes. There will be more opportunities for you, I'm sure of it! And for what it's worth, you run circles around Melissa d'Arabian.

  47. I just spent the last 20 minutes watching your videos. Let me say, your blog does reflect who you are…..I can see why FN was able to view your blog, and get a sense of who you are and match it to what they were looking for in their programming. Your style and personality are a natural for the camera. I would keep doing video segments for your blog.

    I totally relate to being happiest in the kitchen too.

    Cheers to you!

  48. omgosh amazing, you beautiful cooking goddess you!

  49. How cool – you did amazing! And it's such a unique concept that I'm sure would be super popular – you should audition for next food network star!

  50. You are on your way!!!!!!!!!!!! You are beautiful, funny, a great cook, and you love to toot your own horn–which I love! Good luck, I am so jealous! I love to cook too and you remind me a lot of myself in the kitchen. I can't wait to see how this all "pans" out!

  51. Rhiannon Nicole says:

    How cool!! Amazing! You go girl and I wish you all the best with this. You can do it just stick with it πŸ™‚

  52. Heather@ Sweet Sins 2 Share says:

    Such a super star! I love it! I love your kitchen FYI!!!

  53. You rock!! This is so cool and what an amazing experience!!

  54. Dinner Two Ways would be a great show for you like Donna said. I don't have the little ones in the winter (snowbirds, ya know) but babysit all summer for the little picky eaters and I could definitely use help. Here comes the grandma voice…."my kids ate whatever was put in front of them" but my 3 grands each have yes, no's and no ways!…I would watch you totally. Feel free to send my comment to the FoodNetwork…lol…

  55. Girl you rock!! You're such a natural on camera..I would watch you everyday! To be honest I'd much rather watch you than Melissa what's her name. Hopefully Food Network will come to their senses someday..keep up the good work until then! πŸ˜‰

  56. Oh my goodness!!! First of all, your show is so much better than Melissa D'Arabian's and is a totally different concept! What a shame, and a loss for all of us, that Food Network doesn't see that. I'd watch your show in a heartbeat! Secondly – what an epiphany to cook one meal two ways…insert "DUH" here! I feel like I've been beating my head against the wall lately because my boys haven't been grooving on what I've made. Thanks for the great recipes!

  57. You are amazing!! Yep, you are!

  58. Anonymous says:

    That was really great..the first one of you talking was good too…

  59. Leslie, this must have been such a wonderful experience for you. I was thrilled (for you) just watching the two videos. I thought the pilot was wonderful and I suspect the network will come back to you at some time in the future – if not for a series than for a feature. I love your blog and so enjoy visiting here. I hope the new year brings a full measure of great things your way. Blessings…Mary

  60. I would totally watch this show!I love the idea of 2 dinners… You make everything look so easy and fun and always have great recipes :]

  61. Tamara Nicole says:

    CONGRATS! That's huge, how fun:-)

  62. ReluctantYankee says:

    OMG!! Fantastic, girl! What an awesome experience….and I BET something WILL come from this (E.S.P. vibes telling me…:)). Personally, I think they should have pushed the whole, "Cute Housewife Became a Talented Foodie-Busy Mom Blogger Gains and Maintains a Cult Following, blah, blah, blah" thing.
    This is an angle yet to be covered…it amazes me that Foodie Blogs still seem so underground to the general public! HA!
    Happy New Year and can't wait for any updates Miss Leslie!!

  63. You SHOULD toot your own horn lady… the video was AWESOME! What a big deal this is. Nicely done.

  64. I think you could take Melissa in a cage match. But I'd much rather watch you in your environment cooking like this, and I think that's the problem with most of the cooking shows. I'd love to see one shot entirely in a real kitchen like this.

    New show or not, you rock!

  65. sarapadgett says:

    I LOVED your video! I'd also love it if you would post the recipe.

  66. Diana's Cocina says:

    Great video! Wishing you all the best ~ Don't forget about me when you make it big. And you will make it big! YOU ROCK!!

  67. Great video! I could watch you anytime. I never thought of the concept of two ways but now I think I will have to try that. Thanks and good luck!

  68. Leslie, Wow! What a great job! After seeing all of your RWOP videos I felt that being in front of a camera is where you are meant to be! Not many people get as far as you have with the Food Network and I'm sure at some point a slot will open up and they will be wanting you. When that slot does open up, I'll be watching and not changing the channel – that's what happens when Melissa's show starts and the other chickie who decides to have chicken three nights in a row… ugh, boring! I think her name is Robin (?)! Good luck and keep us posted!

  69. You are adorable, is what I think!

  70. β™₯peachkinsβ™₯ says:

    Oh my gosh, you are so cool!!!

  71. You are a natural Leslie! You will definitely have your own show one day! And I will be the first to watch it girl!

  72. Well damn. I was hoping you were gonna say they hired you! They should have.

    Melissa is cute and peppy, but you are so much more fun to watch! And I love your voice. I bet you'll hear from them sooner or later.

    The video is excellent. But then, I am a big fan of all your videos!

    Fun and exciting for you kiddo!

  73. kristy - where's my damn answer says:

    How awesome! I'm proud of ya anyhow girl. The fact they came out and filmed at all says a lot about what they saw :D. You rock in so many ways. Keep it up!!

  74. LESLIE!!!! So freakin cool! So exciting…and so fun! You are a natural on the camera. Love it all! Way to go!

  75. says:

    your show would have been great! so sorry they did not pick it up. they need to get rid of melissa anyway! I do not like her presentations.

  76. Melanie Flinn says:

    That is pretty darn exciting….no matter what happened in the end. Just found your blog via food blogs. Watched both videos! πŸ˜‰ You did do a fantastic job!

  77. I am totally obsessed with food network and I would watch your show all the time. I loved it. Way to go!!! BTW that chicken looked amazing.

  78. At first I thought this was a Throwdown with Bobby Flay "Pilot" LOL!

    Would have loved to watch your show!

  79. I LOVE YOUR PILOT!!!! i hope you get a show by the time i'm a housewife/mother because you are a great inspiration!!
    I wish you all the best, and I look forward to all the future recipes you're going to be sharing with us!

  80. OH MY GOD that is freakin awesome! Who gets a chance to have their own food network show?!! YOU DO! I'm sad it didn't work out, but just the opportunity sounds amazing! And to have them there filming you… wow I am amazed! Loved the videos, I would watch you on food network πŸ™‚

  81. WOW, Leslie! It didn't work now but I have not doubt that it will one day. You go girl!

  82. Wow Leslie how great for you….I can say "I knew her when she was just a food blogger…." LOL. Love ya girl!

  83. ok now that I have watched your second video….
    OMG Les…..what's not to love? I have always enjoyed your videos. Call your yourself a dork, corny whatever, that is what I love about you….so real!
    I am not saying this to "kiss your butter"….however I watched the NFNS show and found Melissa very annoying. The coaching they did on her about her 'angle' just did not sit well with me.
    I have always loved your recipes. How you interrupt yourself in your videos, you are self deprecating, your laugh. You make me feel like I am sitting with my best bud having a good time over food and drink. Food Network I am sure will keep ya on the 'back burner' you are too much personality to throw out with the bath water!!!!

  84. Anonymous says:

    Loved your pilot! I like the way you showed an adult version and a kid version of the same meal. So many moms end up cooking more than one meal to please everyone, but you are showing how to keep everyone happy without twice the work! I think your show idea is different enough from Melissa's that it could find a place on Food Network!

  85. Loved the video. In fact, watched and then the next day watched again and was able to actually make and eat what you showed.Not often do I actually like what they cook on Food network. Thanks.

  86. The Morris Family says:

    Stupid question and it may have already been asked before, but will you post this recipe on your blog?