Blog Awards and Martha Stewart

It is no secret that I have been seriously behind in my blogging. As you all know it is ohhhhhh sooooooo time consuming, but well worth it! I have received some wonderful awards lately and haven’t had a chance to post them. Thank you to all of you for thinking of me. I appreciate each and everyone of you who read my blog! It make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!! 🙂

Thank you very much Hayley @ Away With the Fairycakes.

Many Thanks Dawn…Vanilla Sugar

Denise you Rock..visit her @ Run DMT

Thank you very much Jamie..visit Jamie @ My Baking Addiction

Also don’t forget to visit Martha’s blog. Tell her all about your blog and she just might mention yours on hers!!!


  1. Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer says:

    Congrats on all your wonderful awards – they are all well deserved. Blogging does take time and this little thing called “life” does get in the way. In the end we are all loyal fans and are not going anywhere 🙂
    I did go to Martha’s blog and leave a comment. Maybe we will get a lucky and get a shout out!!

  2. Clumbsy Cookie says:

    Hey Leslie! Congratulations for all those awards! Oh yes, blooging is so time consuming, but you’re right, so worth it!

  3. wow, you are being pampered!! Congrats on all these awards! anyways you deserve them all my sweetie!

  4. Hooray for blogging awards!!! :0)

  5. OK, Miss Popular! I guess you are crowned Homecoming Queenie this week. 🙂

  6. You are the awards queen! Congratulations!

  7. Congrats on your many awards!! You deserve them!!

  8. Hey, CONGRATS! It’s well deserved! You are just too too funny, what a terrific sense of humor you have!

    BTW, I’m really kinda glad you’ve been a bit slow this past week to blog as it’s left ME with more time to mess with mine! ‘preciate that! LOL!

  9. Don’t you think martha already visits our blogs? He-he.

  10. Congrats Leslie!

  11. Congrats on the awards :)!