Video Post Update..with no eye twitch!


  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Haha, another fun video :0) Sorry about the marble pound cake turning out dry – hopefully it’ll turn out perfectly the next time!

  2. ok, I think your friend is cookoo. I re-watched the video and your eyes were perfectly in tune with each other and mocked each other quite well!


  3. Peter M says:

    It was probably just jitters…no worries.

  4. Too funny! Glad you’re not a twitcher. 🙂

  5. Love the videos 🙂 Love love love them! Course, I’d never make one MYSELF, heck no, but I love yours 🙂

    Anyway, sorry Dorie’s pound cake didn’t wow you – I haven’t tried that one myself. I did try and combine two of Rose Levy Beranbaum cake recipes to create a marble cake and sakes alive was that some dry cake.

    Here’s my favorite pound cake recipe… can’t recall if I ever posted it on my blog but I’ve made it more than once and love love love it – almost as much as I love love love your videos 🙂

    Have a delicious day!!!

  6. Bridgett says:

    To be honest, I didn’t even notice a twitch! I am loving your videos though….brilliant idea 🙂 Hope you are doing good…is it hideously hot there in Tampa?

  7. Clumbsy Cookie says:

    You should post in video form from now on!

  8. jodycakes says:

    Very cool personal touch…thanks for the vid(s)!

  9. I love all of your fun video posts, I don’t think I could figure that out anytime soon, and how cute is your little guy! I didn’t notice any twitching on that last video either.

  10. 1–i never noticed the twitch
    2–your son’s adorable
    3-butter always makes it better 🙂

  11. noble pig says:

    I never noticed it!

  12. HAHAHA! This is hilarious, you are a silly gal!

  13. Ari (Baking and Books) says:

    Wow, you a really photogenic!

    Sorry about the marble pound cake, it’s always so disappointing when things like that happen!

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  14. You are too cute! and so is your son!! =)

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  15. cakewardrobe says:

    You’re such a natural on camera and I love your food photography!

  16. says:

    Thanks for the comment on the new episode and glad that you found it. Looking forward to seeing more of your video posts and hopefully will get you featured in an episode soon. Keep up the good work