Archives for April 2009

A Hungry Housewife Interview

Hey y’all I was very excited to get an email from CafeMom. They wanted to feature me and my kitchen on their website. How cool is that? So if you are interested in reading some tid-bits about me and seeing inside my kitchen… HERE. Thanks Cafe Mom!!! P.S. Also happy 1 year blog anniversay to […]

Brown Sugar and Toasted Pecan Cheesecake

No leakage through the 4 layers of Heavy Duty tin foil..nice crunchy crust! Look Ma, No cracks! Yeah And I saved the food porn photo for last! I love drippy shots. The April 2009 challenge is hosted by Jenny from Jenny Bakes. She has chosen Abbey’s Infamous Cheesecake as the challenge …….and I now pronounce […]

Chicken Giardino (with a warning)

WARNING DO NOT make this meal when…..1. Your husband is not home for work yet to entertain the kids while you cook. 2. It is no T.V. week at home. 3. Your oldest shuts your youngest finger in the front door. 4. Your youngest decides to spill an entire package on mini chocolate chips on […]

Easter, a bit late

Waaahhhh. Easter was last week? Oh yeah, that’s right. My bad y’all. Things are crazy around here. But better late than never.We had Easter lunch at my mother-in-laws house this year. Ya know, sometimes it is nice being entertained and not the entertainer. So my contribution for the feast was simple. I brought homemade Parker […]

Roasted Butternut Squash Apple Crisp

Dear Butternut Squash, Please accept this letter with my sincere heart felt apologies.In all of my years of grocery shopping, I have always passed you by. Sticking up my nose at your bulbous, misshapen body. Why did you not yell out my name as I walked on by. Throwing yourself off the shelf to roll […]

Guinness Shepherds Pie

I gave you a little tease on St. Pattys day about my Shepherds Pie. Well here she is in all her glory. Do you hear the bag pipes in the distance?? Or was that angels singing? What ever it was, you will hear glorious music when you bite into this casserole.Many a years I have […]

I have been abducted….

No not really. Ok, well maybe a little. Sometimes I do feel like aliens have removed my brain and are slowly nibbling away at it like some fine French delicacy. ok, ok , ok..I have gotten all of your emails wondering where in the hell I have been. I am sorry y’all, I have been […]