Let’s try this again..Herbs

Herb growing. I try, I really do. Do you know how much money I would save if I could grow something? Anything? I cook with fresh herbs almost every-night, every-night that I am not lazy in the kitchen. I spend millions of dollars(well, maybe not millions) at the grocery store on those packages of fresh herbs because of my totally lack of competency in the “keeping things alive department”.
I kill everything. If it is green, you can bet your sweet bottom it will be dead within 2 months if I come anywhere near it.
These herbs you see above are gourmet herbs. High class..top dollar herbs. You see, my kids got them in their stockings from Grandma. They are Growums.  Bet you wont find those in the fancy schmancy stores. ohhhh noooo.
I am hoping, because I did not purchase these, they will survive my black thumb.
Only time will tell.
Does anyone have any foolproof herb growing advice? Help a sista out!

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