"The Diagram"

Well here is is. You all requested it, now here it is in black and white. My husbands diagram on what treat he wanted me to make him from my previous post. If you missed it click here
So I didn’t follow his directions exactly, but seriously, he couldn’t have just told me what he was craving?
Ok, question..how is it that a man can draw out perfect directions on how to “make” a simple treat but yet can’t stop and ask for directions( or read directions on how to put a kids toy together)??????? Hmmmm, I don’t get it! Men, you can’t live with them and you can’t live with them..oh I mean without them! hehehe


  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Love it! 😀

  2. Donna-FFW says:


  3. Leslie M. says:

    OMG.. I just peed my pants!! This is hysterical. He better help you write a cookbook! The man is GOOD! YOU can write the cookbook…. he can illustrate!!

    YOU crack me UP!!!!
    The other Les



  4. LOL, yeah, I get ya! 🙂

  5. Bridgett says:

    Oh my goodness, I love that diagram! Too funny.

  6. Clumbsy Cookie says:

    That is funny! He was even very precise there, not that he wrote 2/3 of a marhmallow, lol! Now whay they can't follow or ask for directions, that's beyond me…

  7. LOL!! too funny.

  8. And THAT's the difference between men and women! Good LORD!

  9. Kerstin says:

    I love it – lol! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  10. Coleen's Recipes says:

    Looks like your hubby is asking for a Mallow Pie…I think thats what they used to call them. How funny.

  11. haha that is hilarious! hope everything is great in tampa! I miss it!

  12. That's hilarious, and what you created from that look amazing! Thanks for sharing Leslie!

  13. Precise little bugger isn't he!!! They certainly look good, so he did a great job!

  14. JennyMac says:

    Just like a man to draw out directions yet not ask for them AND just like a woman to make it the way SHE wanted despite the directions she was given. Hilarious!

  15. Foodycat says:

    I love how specific he is that it should be 2/3 size marshmallows. What were you supposed to do with the other 1/3?!

  16. noble pig says:

    That is hilarious.

  17. So adorable!

  18. MaryBeth says:

    Very Good… I just had a long needed good laugh!!

  19. Awesome and very hilarious! You did well, Leslie!

  20. Calm In The Kitchen says:

    I love it.

  21. Culinary Wannabe says:

    Hysterical! At least the man knows what he wants!

  22. That is too funny!

  23. That is totally hilarious!

  24. OMG, this is hilarious! I might just have to show this to my bf and see if he can draw up whatever treat he'd like me to make for him!

  25. Morta Di Fame says:

    So cute!

  26. HOw cute is that?!

  27. Was he thinking of this all day at work? He used his own letterhead paper! LOL…it looked delicious by the way.

    My best, Lynn

    *I'm catching up on old posts from everyone so I don't know if you talk about this later. How do you like that Housewife from Orlando gettin' the boot on FoodNetwork Next Big Star?

  28. how helpful!!! 🙂

  29. Melinda says:

    That is too hilarious! Very cute:D
    Most men are visual you know haha
    Love your blog:D

  30. Phan-tabulous says:

    This is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.

  31. Melanie says:

    That is so, so funny. Really – a diagram for a treat? I love it!

  32. That is so cute! Good diagram!