Thank You Service Men and Women

Please take a moment out of your day today to stop and think about all of those who have fought for our country and have kept the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the home of the FREE and the BRAVE.


  1. Rebekah says:

    agreed! have a good one!!

  2. Happy Memorial Day to you! Nice post!

  3. what a nice reminder, leslie! happy memorial day.

  4. Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer says:

    You are so right – I am grateful to them all each and every day!! I especially am grateful to the one I get to kiss goodnight!!

  5. Bridgett says:

    What a great post! I hope you have been enjoying your holiday.

  6. So true, and loved this post, Short sweet and to the point!

  7. It’s quite humbling to stop and think about, really.

  8. great of you to give them the acknowledgement… 🙂

  9. Donna-FFW says:

    Im with you on that girlfriend!

  10. AMEN!

  11. Hope you had a great holiday! I love our country!

  12. Amen!

  13. oneshotbeyond says:

    very sweet of you to post this! They are so brave!!!

  14. J.Danger says:

    Happy Memorial Day too! Thank you for posting this.

  15. Cristine says:

    Thanks for posting this! 🙂

  16. Hope you had a great weekend.

  17. I read this comment today…

    Hay at leats it still looks pretty.

    Then I said ‘Wait, I know her’. And the really sad part is that I read it just like you wrote it. Yes we may be related.