Dont forget to vote!

My video posts are in your hands..I put up a pole so please vote(its located to the right at the top). I don’t want to annoy anyone with my complete dorkyness. So please let me know if I should continue with the videos by casting your vote! Thanks a Bunch!


  1. Peter M says:

    I voted…more please!

  2. I think they are so funny, keep them up, if you enjoy it!

  3. LOL… I vote yes already, keep up the good dorkiness 🙂

  4. Dhanggit says:

    I voted already and i voted ENCORE ENCORE!! 🙂

  5. I love your “dorky” video posts! 🙂 Im passing on the yum yum blog award to you. Check it out on my blog! Im really enjoying your wonderful posts.

  6. whoops, I just realized that you already got the yum yum blog award… haha well here it is again!